Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Rosie xxx

Rosie I miss you so much you promised me you never leave me please come back my life is a living nightmare without you just so you know if your reading this your the best thing ever and destiny and faith has brought as together and I feel like its separating as but I don't want to so please come online because I don't want to lose you.

Friday, 15 June 2012

sorry guys I didin't post for a while this week I post something if I have time but I try to promise anyways xxx Chanel

Wednesday, 6 June 2012


Hey guys so I never knew what to do when I'm bored what would u do scratch your bum no too gross pick boogers eat them no gross dude cut your hair nah wash ur hands ya ya love soap yup :D who doesn't? Lick your toe nail? Nah gross dude never did it never going to not stupid what will do you do when you bored I would wash my hands what would you do help guys thanks