Tuesday, 25 December 2012
Merry Christmas
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
Why I bearly go on Msp
I go bearly on msp for couple of reasons. I like making lists so here is a list why
*I get more homework now 5 or 4 pieces a day or more.
*I dunno what to do on Msp any more.
*It's not as fun as it used to be.
*People bearly talk to me.
*I rather go on postcrossing.com and write and send postcards and spend time looking at postcards and sorting them out.
*I can't level up.
*People block me for months and never unblock me even my old bff princess770 never unblocked me since april may or july something like that.
That's my list for now.
*I get more homework now 5 or 4 pieces a day or more.
*I dunno what to do on Msp any more.
*It's not as fun as it used to be.
*People bearly talk to me.
*I rather go on postcrossing.com and write and send postcards and spend time looking at postcards and sorting them out.
*I can't level up.
*People block me for months and never unblock me even my old bff princess770 never unblocked me since april may or july something like that.
That's my list for now.
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
Monday, 30 July 2012
Adam Sandler
Hey guys you might not know but I am Adam Sandler's big fan I always watch the movies his in I like all of the movies I see that his in but my favourite ones are Just go with it and Jack and Jill. Who's your favourite actor or actress? I also like Johnny Depp I like the movie dark shadows too but it's not an Adam Sandler movie. :) Chanel
Sunday, 22 July 2012
Hey guys sorry I didin't blog sorry so busy with school and stuff now is holidays so I hope I blog more.
Lots of love Chanel
Lots of love Chanel
Sunday, 8 July 2012
Hey guys so I didin't blog for a while and lots of u have been scared about anonymus and she actually said to me I hack u and I actually talked her out of hacking me and she said to me ur right and didin't hack me and I am surprised that I persuaded anonymus not to hack me guys don't worry about anonymus as long as ur not mean to her u have a 55% or more chance to be safe :D good luck and the videos about anonymus I know they are scary but don't worry i'm there for u to protect u and be there when u scared.
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
Rosie xxx
Friday, 15 June 2012
Wednesday, 6 June 2012
Hey guys so I never knew what to do when I'm bored what would u do scratch your bum no too gross pick boogers eat them no gross dude cut your hair nah wash ur hands ya ya love soap yup :D who doesn't? Lick your toe nail? Nah gross dude never did it never going to not stupid what will do you do when you bored I would wash my hands what would you do help guys thanks
Thursday, 24 May 2012
The simpsons
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Key board art
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So Hey Guys I love Cookie ok I love u Cookie
Don't call me gay or lezbo ok see the pictures of the emo's kissing its as ok.Stop trying to ruin people ok because if someone loves someone you shouldn't hurt them and break them up and call them stuff because then someone can't take it and hurts the one they love and hide there feelings for the person so they wont get called names.To all of u who break people up stop it Coolheat dumped me because of u guys ok and that emo sitting there its me heart broken hiding feelings.Ok to all of you who hurt people because same one is picking on you for being your self don't hurt the one you love.
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Saturday, 19 May 2012
Rosie :)
Hey guys so i been thinking quite a lot who my is bff well I thought is my Rosie (rose48) she makes me smile so much I can tell her everything she's so awesome she can make me forget about my worries and stuff.It kils me not talking to her she's my sole sister :) I can always count on her she's the apple of my eye she's the straw to my berry and without her I couldn't stay alive you guys should get to know her.She makes me wanna jump on her back and rip her hair out :) She makes me so happy she gets me more then my shit does :) I just wanna say don't judge people by there looks also I knew her since I made msp if I could have 1 bff I would pick her and that would be my best choice and I would be really glad.That I picked her because shes like me also reminds me of me :)
Monday, 14 May 2012
Saturday, 12 May 2012
YOu guys are probably wondering why ism't my blog about msp.THe answer is I want it to be unique I don't copy it if I feel like blogging about msp I will when I want to
Is it love?
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He sang that song he is 60 now thats him young now he looks pretty much the same he has the same hair but wrinkles his face is not much of a pretty boy now :D |
Friday, 11 May 2012
So I watched britain s got talent couple of days ago lets just said not that long time ago and there were those 2 magicians that really got stuck inside my head.
<------Thats there auditions they did get in the finals but didn't bother to find it.
Wednesday, 9 May 2012
Be Yourself :)
Hey guys I know I'm crazy weird and childish.I never tried or wanted to be the centre of attention and be the poor good guy who always complains.IM moody sometimes so I don't act like the real me but I'm lucky to have Rose48 my Rosie that makes me smile I already miss her and we talked at 8pm and it's about 0:30am so yeah I'm glad she's my BFF .this post is random IM sorry that I'm a freak and a lunatic.If u talk to me be yourself no matter how nerdy geeky are I accept people for who they are.SO don't act like no yourself be yourself no matter if your a crazy lady like me I'm also quite nerdy I love books and I'm not afraid to admit who I am because I don't want you to know the fake me but the real me be yourself.
Monday, 7 May 2012
Hey guys I have been listening to german music lately.I translated it a bit and the songs are actually toughing heres same words I translated. Whatever you do, wherever you are, I'll stay here and wait for you.
How well does it hurt and missing me courage, I'll stay here and wait for you.Those are same song I translated I think its toughing.Heres the song
Chanel xxx
Saturday, 28 April 2012
♥my bunny♥
This is my bunny his a boy his name is baby if your wander what are those eyes there.Their my eyes :) xD I luv my green eyes.I'm proud to have green eyes. Anyways My baby well his 3 years old and were have such a special connection between each other.After 3 years I still luv him and never want to but him down his so loveable.If he ever dies :( I want him to die in my arms because I love him.His so gentle and calm for a boy the vet said :).I wrote this in this colour because this is the colour of my wonderful bunnies eye colour.He dosen't have a cage because his too cute to be in a cage.I know its dumb but he has his own room so its even better. Sometimes he just rans around the house :) we trust him please do not say I don't look after him properly or don't love him.Because I love him so much. I love to give him a bath his just so cute when his wet that means.I have to hold him wrapped up in a towel.So he be warm but when my hands start to hurt I use a hair dryer to dry him :) I may not take care of him like every bunny owner does for example keep them in cages and stuff.But I love him and don't treat him like an ordinary normal bunny.I treat him Good and want to make him feel loved.Well he dosen't want to be alone he loves being around people he hates being alone because if he is.He will make noises.Do not say your the worst pet owner I ever saw please I try to make him feel loved and special not ordinary and not loved.Also like I just got him to take care of him.
Friday, 27 April 2012
The Black Dahlia Murder
Hey Guys I luv Crime So Heres A Story That Will Shock U
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That was her before her brutal murder :'( So pretty she looked like an angel |
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That was her face when she got murdered :'( |
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That was her dead body :'( R.I.P |
So let me tell u the story of Elizabeth Short also known as the black dahlia she's called the black dahlia because she always wore black cloths she was beautiful .Ok so let me start the story she was born on July 29th, 1924 and on January 15 197 4 she was brutally raped, murdered, and her limbs where mutilated and spread out. After the murder he sent items belonging to the woman to a news editor because of the publicity the case was receiving and he called himself "The Black Dahlia Avenger".
Sunday, 22 April 2012
geek glasses are Hoottt!!!
John Galliano :)
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Heres John Galliano with Natalie Portman a famous actress :) |
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Here is John Galliano with Charlize Theron :) A famous actress |
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Up there is him with the model called Kate Moss you probably know her |
Saturday, 21 April 2012
Listen to your heart
Cool Song
Ok this is song says the truth listen to your heart its true.If u love someone then tell them no matter how embarrassing it is tell them that u luv them i mean its important it might be there last day so do it before it's to late.Because they might die and if they do u might end up feeling so upset and wanting to kill yourself because u can't live without them.I don't want this to happen to anyone. So listen to your heart :) thxs for reading
Chanel xxx
John Galliano <3
So guys your probably wondering who this is on the left its John Galliano.The greatest Fashion designer in the world.He used to work in Dior but he got fired.I'm his biggest fan I know a lot about him.He designed dresses for celebrities like Rihanna,Lady Gaga,Kate Moss,Taylor Swift,Kelly Osbourne,Katy Perry,Charlize Theron ,Nicole Kidman and many more.
Im his biggest fan :)
Im his biggest fan :)
You probably thinking why is she posting this on her blog? I am just posting this to share my intrest .So if ur his fan too then tell me.So we can have conversations about him.
<------- Here on this picture is Charlize Theron next to John Galliano wearing John Galliano's dress isn't the dress beautiful? xD. He might not look like a good fashion designer in this picture or any other pictures of him. But he has an awesome style.
thxs for reading
Chanel xxx
<------- Here on this picture is Charlize Theron next to John Galliano wearing John Galliano's dress isn't the dress beautiful? xD. He might not look like a good fashion designer in this picture or any other pictures of him. But he has an awesome style.
thxs for reading
Chanel xxx
Friday, 20 April 2012
Hey guys Im new to this you probably know I'm rubbish at blogging but I try at least. Anyways lots of people had stoped talking to me lately I just wondered why if I did anything stupid tell me. If u don't know me well get to know me it might be worth it don't judge people by their looks. I know it might sound stupid but I don't really think.So I I say stupid things I'm sorry if I ever made you sad.I know you might Im not really sorry but I am.probably many of you went through bad times like losing friends.SO go to your friends even though u might got in a fight and say I'm sorry sometimes it might not be your fault.But sometimes we need to say it is.I think you all who read this might think she is a total loser but I'm just wanna say I'm sorry.
Heya its chanel!
Heyoo this is my first time making a blog, my bestfriend imsupergirly8 helpt me and told me how
to add pics of me so heres a pic:
to add pics of me so heres a pic:
hope ya like this blog, abit more editing to do so yeah :P
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