Friday, 27 April 2012

The Black Dahlia Murder

Hey Guys I luv Crime So Heres A Story That Will Shock U

That was her before her brutal murder :'(
So pretty she looked like an angel 

That was her face when she got murdered :'(
That was her dead body :'( R.I.P

So  let me tell u the story of Elizabeth Short  also known as the black dahlia she's called the black dahlia because she always wore black cloths she was beautiful .Ok so let me start the story she  was born on July 29th, 1924 and on January 15 197 4 she was brutally raped, murdered, and her limbs where mutilated and spread out. After the murder he sent items belonging to the woman to a news editor because of the publicity the case was receiving and he called himself "The Black Dahlia Avenger". 

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